Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The analysis of submersibles of the instrumentation pool for a research of bioluminescent potential was carried out in situ. Differences in features, types of the photosensitive transducer, measurement technique and calibration were revealed. It was established that while designing the structure of a bathyphotometer it is necessary to make hydrostatic and hydrodynamic calculation of characteristics of a bathyphotometer; to appraise bioluminescent potential as a function of a volume flow rate; to make biological calibration of a bathyphotometer, using specific types and concentration of bioluminescent organisms; to determine value of a critical volume rate which will be used in case of operation of bathyphotometer, considering the requirements as to minimization of over-all size of a bathyphotometer and service conditions.

bioluminescent potential, bathyphotometer, biological calibration, hydroecology
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