Sevastopol State University
Sevastopol, Sevastopol, Russian Federation
Sevastopol, Sevastopol, Russian Federation
The characteristics of the organization of the cytochrome chain of mitochondria of skeletal muscles were studied in three species of the Black Sea fish: the mullet ( Liza aurata Risso, 1810), flounder ( Platichthys flesus luscus Linnaeus, 1758) and goby ( Neogobius melanostomus Pallas, 1814) Cycle. In the mullet and flounder, the total content of cytochromes in the muscles increased in the winter period. The greatest changes were found among the cytochromes of the aa3 group. The stoichiometry of the mitochondrial respiratory chain corresponded with an uncompensated type. The ratio of b / aa3 was the most labile one. In white muscles this ratio became lower than 1 and in red muscles it decreased significantly. In the mullet a similar organization of the respiratory chain was observed during the summer period. The results obtained reflect the occurrence of oxygen deficiency in the skeletal muscles of both species of fish. In the goby the mitochondrial respiratory chain initially had an uncompensated type of organization. The b / aa3 index was below 1 in both muscle groups. No changes in the organization of the cytochrome chain in skeletal muscles of this species were observed during the annual cycle.
cytochromes, stoichiometry of the cytochrome chain, skeletal muscle, annual cycle, marine fish
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