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Abstract (English):
The separation of the absorption spectrum of the microalga Dunaliella salina culture was done by the Gauss curve approximation method. The absorption spectrum is divided into separate peaks, from 580 to 750 nm. The amplitudes of separate peaks are related to the concentrations of the chlorophyll a and the chlorophyll a. In the article the relationship between peak amplitudes related to a single pigment are established. The extinction coefficients are calculated. A model of the absorption spectrum of the culture for determining the concentrations of the chlorophyll a and the chlorophyll b was compiled. Using the model, the concentrations of pigments from the absorption spectrum of the culture are calculated. The statistical difference from zero of the difference in the values of the two measurement methods was checked by a single sample t-test. The meanings of the concentrations measured by different methods for the chlorophyll a and the chlorophyll b are not statistically different.

microalgae, absorption spectra, chlorophyll
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