Sevastopol, Sevastopol, Russian Federation
With the development of research methods, the understanding of the fundamental foundations of biodiversity is expanding. The new data supplement the diagnosis of species, indicate the features of the physiological state and give a more complete picture of the objects under study for understanding the fundamental principles of life. One of the newest methods of studying hydrobionts is confocal Raman spectroscopy, with the help of which spectrograms and micrographs of algae were obtained. For the first time, stimulated bioluminescence on cell cultures and prepared valves of benthic forms of diatom algae (Bacillariophyta) is considered. The induction of cell glow is not related to the process of tactile "cell-cell" contacts, or other variants of interactions. The observed phenomenon is characteristic both for separately lying cells, and for cellular aggregations. And depends directly on the time of exposure of the light flux to the cell culture, or on the prepared valves of the diatoms.
diatoms, silicon frustule, stimulated bioluminescence, evolution
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