Nowadays, nanostructured materials are one of the most developing scientific directions. However, before the introduction into widepractice their biological activityshould be studied. The indicators of the metabolic processes of luminous bacteriasuch as change into the level of bioluminescence and biofilm formation can be used to assess the nature of the biological activity of studied substances. In our research the acute and chronic effects of nanooxides of zinc, aluminum,wolfram and niobium on bioluminescent microorganismswere assessed. The inhibition of bacterial luminescence in the presence of nanostructured zinc oxide is shown, while other nanooxides have a bacteriostatic effect. The influence of nanostructured oxides on the number of free-living forms of microorganisms, the formation of microbial communities was studied. A conclusion was made about the aggregation of luminescent bacteria in biofilms in the presence of an aggressive factor.
bacterial bioluminescence, biofilm, nanostructured materials, metal oxides
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