Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
A biophysical model of the evolution of the biosphere is considered on the basis of ideas of self-organization in hierarchically conjugate active media. This analytical approach allows us to re-examine the ideas of the bifurcation and, as a consequence, the saltatory development of populations, communities of organisms and the biosphere as a whole. The driving force behind the evolution of the biosphere - the "pumping pump" - is the hierarchy of distributed active media composed of a mosaic of biocenoses. In general, the active environment creates a frontal "pressure of natural selection". With these giant fluctuations, the external passive filter of natural selection, which allows to exit this branch of evolution to a stable development trajectory and to gain a foothold on it, just "works". Unlike the classical phylogenetic tree, which reflects the principle of the vertical evolution of the biosphere, in this approach the biosphere is a single organism, the conjugate system evolving according to the laws determined by selection, gene transfer, convergence and divergence-the classical mechanisms of evolution. The three-dimensional network of direct and inverse connections of the model allows us to consider the evolving biosphere as a hierarchy of conjugate active media

hierarchy of active media, autowaves, biosphere, evolution
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