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Abstract (English):
An approach and a technique for resolving overlapping absorption bands of proteins chromophores by non-uniform rational basis splinees is proposed. The features and boundaries of the effective application of this technique are investigated. The essence of the approach is in follows: the baseline is used as a reference spectrum, it is a smoothing spline to the absorption spectrum of the sample under study. By subtraction of the spline from the light absorption spectrum a function similar to the derivative of the second order of the absorption spectrum of this sample yields. This function is the remainder between the registered value of the response and the calculated in accordance with this model value. By location and amplitude of the residues, poorly resolved peaks of the test substance absorption bands can be detected. At the same time, a decrease in the number of NURBS control points to a minimum turns this curve into a typical baseline, it helps to estimate peaks in the absorption spectra. The proposed approach can find application in problems of solving complex signals recorded from multicomponent systems in the case of poor separation of their components by chromatographic, electrophoretic or other physical and chemical methods.

NURBS, difference spectrophotometry, baseline, resolution of absorption bands, NURBS
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