The characteristics of EMR signals in different biological tissues (tissues of laboratory rats with biological models of different pathologies, cancer tumor tissues, rat tissues after effect of hypogravitation, nerve tissue of snail Helix Luccorum ) were investigated. The general characteristics of EMR signals were determined: characteristic non-monotonic temperature behavior of resonance field (Hres), linewidth (ΔH) and integral intensity, the existence of axial and cubic components in Hres anisotropy. Vervey phase transition, character for magnetite was detected. The characteristics indicate that there are magnetite crystals in tissues. At the temperatures higher the Verwey transition the correlation of resonance field and linewidth with magnetic crystalline anisotropy parameter K1 was detected. The different types of anisotropic behavior of signals were detected. It was determined, that they characterize the different types of geometry of crystalline inclusions. Magnetic resonance investigation of EMR signals in biological tissues and blood is suggested to use as the method of detection of anomalous accumulation of tissue iron in the forms of iron oxide nanocrystals (magnetite and ferritin).
iron biomineralization, EPR-Spectroscopy, EMR-signals, ferritin, ferrihydrite, magnetite
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