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Abstract (English):
The uniform kinetic model for a biosynthesis of monoterpenes by analysis of their comprehensive quality and quantitative capacity in essential oil of some representatives of kind Artemisia is founded. Mechanisms of single-step processes of an interlinking between the isoprene, carbocation of dimethylallyl and carbocation of isopentyl, which explain the formation of hydrocarbonate carcass for all kinds of acyclic, mono- and bicyclic monoterpenes are presented. The mathematical model of their accumulation depending on vegetative phases is founded. The new method to define kinetic constants in processes of a natural biosynthesis of monoterpenes in a current is developed due to the combination of mathematical modelling of biochemical processes with received experimental data about the accumulation of acyclic, mono- and bicyclic monoterpenes in various vegetative phases. Numerical values of kinetic constants in the biosynthesis of monoterpenes for each investigated vegetative kind which characterize own dynamics of their reproduction in all types of monoterpenes are determined.

Artemisia, a biosynthesis of monoterpenes, a kinetic model, kinetic constants
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