The preliminary research on creation of biomaterials on the basis of poly-3-oxybutyrate, the including cytostatics is conducted. Exemplars poly-3-oxybutyrate, containing a dosage form were made in two ways. Combination of components in chloroform under the influence of ultrasound with the subsequent microwave drying of exemplars or drying with use of a method of electroformation. It is shown that exemplars poly-3-oxybutyrate, the including cytostatics - endoksan (cyclophosphamidum), irrespective of a way of their receiving, show toxicity in relation to cages of an adenocarcinoma of a colon of the person. It is established what for the film received according to the first way endoksan passes into a buffered solution slightly and mostly for the first three days. Contrary to it, the medicinal substance injected into fiber poly-3-oxybutyrate passes into solution more effectively, reaching on concentration maximum time approximately much quicker.
biomaterial, cytostatics, electroformation, adenocarcinoma
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