The effectiveness of the toxic effect of singlet oxygen on the culture of algae Sc. Quadricauda. If there is 100 g / l of schungite in the environment, the protection against the toxic effect of singlet oxygen on algae occurs during the entire time of culture growth. The concentration of schungite 100 g / l without eosin stimulates the growth of the culture, at a concentration of more than 200 g / l slows down. In aquarium water, with the addition of antibiotics, the number of bacteria decreased 12-fold. In the presence of schungite and antibiotics, the number of bacteria decreased only times in comparison with the initial values. In the presence of only schungite in the environment, the growth of culture is stimulated. Shungite, depending on the concentration, can be used as a growth stimulant for microorganisms and as a protector against toxicants. The combined action of schungite copper sulfate and cadmium sulfate on crustaceans showed that schungite in the minimum of five concentrations of 0.01 g / l tested had a protective effect on daphnia. At high concentrations of schungite, daphnia perished, and shungite did not protect them from the action of toxicants. Thus, depending on the concentration, shungite can stimulate the growth of aquatic organisms, inactivate the toxic effect of various compounds and at the same time in large concentrations inhibit the development of hydrobionts. Therefore, when choosing shungite for drinking water purification with great caution, one must treat widely advertised, but not undergone the necessary clinical tests in laboratory conditions of preparations.
schungite, algae, bactero-plankton, fullerene, Daphnia magna, photosynthesis efficiency, heavy metals, antibiotics
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