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Abstract (English):
The changes of the enzymes activity (G6FDH, GR, LDH, MDH) in Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells at different stages of tumor growth after exposure to microwave radiation have been studied. It is shown that the change in the activity of enzymes depends not only on the effect of microwave radiation, but on the characteristics of the metabolism of tumor cells, which are associated with the tumor growth stage in the mice organism. The observed changes in the activity of enzymes indicate discrepancy in the regulation of anaerobic and aerobic metabolism in Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells in the microwave radiation exposure. Under microwave radiation the changes in the activity of G6PDH and GR are inconsistent, which leads to a decrease in the cell ability to resist the processes of generation of reactive oxygen.

dehydrogenase, enzyme activity, electromagnetic radiation, microwave radiation, cell phone, Ehrlich ascites carcinoma
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