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Abstract (English):
For the purpose of development and studying of the porphyrines aggregated forms in the stabilized state optical properties (optical absorption and fluorescence) of the films of 5,10,15,20-tetraphenylporphyrin monomer and H- and J-agregates and also their current voltage characteristics are investigated. Various spectral and electric characteristics of tetraphenylporphyrin with different type of aggregation are received. According to their characteristics J- agregates are close to monomer of tetraphenylporphyrin. For the films with J-agregates fluorescence and an electric response which aren't observed in the case of films with H-agregates are registered. These data and also the existence of absorption in red region of spectrum do J- agregates of tetraphenylporphyrin perspective materials during creation of film systems for photovoltaics, photocatalysis and photodynamic processes. An opportunity to change structure of such films allows receiving thin films of organic materials with predetermined properties and a wide range of possibilities.

-aggregates, J-aggregates spectral characteristics, optical absorption, fluorescence, current voltage characteristics
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