The work is devoted to study long impact of a gas mixture containing singlet oxygen (SO) on pro - and antioxidant system of blood and microcirculation in rats. The study was conducted on white Wistar rats weighing 180- 220 g, which formed 3 groups: I - control (intact healthy animals); II - experiment, in which rats were subjected to daily exposure (10 minutes) the gas mixture containing the SO within 30 days; III - experiment animals of which for 30 days daily were inhaled for 10 minutes with a gas mixture with the SO and then 30 days was not subjected to any manipulation. The concentration of malonic dialdehyde in the blood was determined by spectrophotometrically. Microcirculation was assessed by laser Doppler flowmetry. The activity of superoxide dismutase was determined in hemolysate of erythrocytes. Microcirculation was assessed using laser Doppler flowmetry. It was shown that to 60 days after inhalation of SO the endothelial and cardiac factors in the regulation of blood were increased. It was installed that long-term subchronic inhalation of gas mixture containing singlet oxygen, for 30 days reduced the pro - and antioxidant balance in the organism of animals. After 60 days after the application of singlet oxygen the superoxide dismutase activity in erythrocytes increased.
singlet oxygen, microcirculation, lipid peroxidation, superoxide dismutase
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