Urolithiasis refers to the most common, severe and often recurring urological diseases, representing a serious problem with social significance [1]. The formation of urinary stones is associated with physicochemical processes in which the threshold solubility of salts decreases or their concentration exceeds the threshold solubility [2]. However, there are factors that prevent the crystallization of urinary salts in the urine. The main one is the Tamm-Horswall protein (THP). Previously, it was being shown that THP under different conditions can exist in different oligomeric forms [9,10]. The purpose of this work was to assess the THP desialisation degree in terms of the Z-potential and to search for differences between patients with urolithiasis and those without a urinary system pathology. Measurements of the THP Z-potential showed that in healthy donors the distribution of THP particles along the Z-potential is unimodal. The average value of the THP Z-potential in healthy donors was 28.4 mV. In patients with urolithiasis, the Z-potential distribution was bimodal. The average values of the modes were - 29.7 mV b - 6.2 mV. The paper discusses the relationship between the degree of desialization with oligomeric forms of BTX and the possible inhibition or sensitization process mechanisms stone formation.
Urolithiasis, Tamm-Horsfall protein, Oligomerous forms, Zeta-potential, Sialic acids, Kidney stones
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