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Abstract (English):
Neurotoxic effects of aluminum chloride in heightened concentration (10 mg/L) were studied in a brain of fish from different pelagic areas, especially sun fish, carasius, roach, and bullhead. The intensity of oxidative stress and the content of both cytoskeleton protein GFAP and cytosol Ca-binding protein S100β were determined. The differences in oxidative stress data were observed in liver and brain of fish while 45 days treatment with aluminum chloride. Obtained data showed high sensitivity of neural tissue cells to exposure of aluminium ions. There was observed that aluminum ions induce integrated changes, especially more eminent of them - reliable increase of final LPO products, a rising of antioxidant enzime activity, a reactivation of glial cells in brain, and overexpression both GFAP and S100β protein. Moreover, aluminum ions induce growth of the content of polypeptide fragments from these astrocyte-specific proteins caused by limited proteolysis in fish brain cells. Presented results showed evident fact on the development of typical astroglial reaction against chronic effect aluminum chloride in a brain of fishes from distinct pelagic areas.

S100β, hydrobionts, oxidative stress, neurospesific proteins, glial fibrillary acidic protein GFAP, S100β
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