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Abstract (English):
The discussion about biologically active substance (BAS) actions was presented. The using of different BAS concentrations may changes the vectors of BAS actions to biologic objects greatly. The mechanisms of BAS actions to structures and functions of biologic objects also were in largely depending on concentration of applied substances. In the case with hydrophilic melafen (strong plant growth regulator) we observed the changes of thermodynamic parameters of phospholipid multilammelar liposomes that testify of variable effects of different melafen concentrations on the organization of lipid microdomains in structure of homogeneous membrane. When studying the melafen actions on functions we found the concentration-depended vector’s change of melafen effects to the calcium signaling in cells of ascetic Ehrlich carcinoma. In the case with hydrophobe IHFAN-С10 (float hybrid antioxidant - the cholinesterase inhibitor, inserted in hydrophobe/hydrophilic phase of membranes) the ethanol-aqueous emulsions, when it was great diluted, change the mechanisms of IHFAN-С10 actions. Mechanisms varied from nonspecific destruction of membrane up to strengthening of membrane structure. We should indicate that in case of BASes - melafen and IHFAN-10, the certain different concentrations were achieved by the consistent dilutions of ethanol or aqua BAS solutions when strong mixing. But these concentrations were not measured by physical-chemical methods. It is reasonable to speak about dilutions, but not concentrations. Conclusion: it is necessary to take into account, when the BAS effects to any biologic objects over a wide range of BAS concentrations were investigated, the mechanism of action may be in great dependence of BAS degree diluted.

10, multilammelar liposomes, DSK, Erlich ascetic carcinoma, metabolic pathways, Ca2+-signaling
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