The biological activity of druges was studied using bioluminescent analytical technologies (BAT), based on natural and genetically engineered luminescent bacteria. The most promising test-strain Photobacterium leiognathi Sh1 was revealed by means of the estimation of three bacteria species on the sensitivity to antibiotics. The applicability of BAT for the analysis of antibacterial drugs was shown on the base of gentamicin sulfate (EC50 and EC100 for which they were 0.2 mg / ml and 0.4 mg / ml, respectively), tetracycline hydrochloride (EC50 = 0.027 mg / ml and EC100 = 0.1 mg / Ml) and benzylpenicillin sodium salt (EC50 and EC100 equal to 0.8 mg / ml and more than 1 mg / ml, respectively). Specifically, tetracycline hydrochloride, the derivative of the polyfunctional hydronaphthacene compound, was shown to have the most pronounced specific (antibacterial) activity. Bioluminescent analysis of medicinal substances of other pharmacological groups showed both the presence of substances-inhibitors of bacterial luminescence and a group of drugs that do not affect bacterial luminescence. A comparison of the compounds’ structure and their biological activity, defined the most probable pharmacophores (phenothiazine, trimethylamine, triethylamine, 1-propylamine, etc.) responsible for their nonspecific antibacterial activity. The applicability of BAT on the base of marine luminescent bacteria for chronic biological effect study as well as on the recombinant bioreporter strains, based on Escherichia coli (LUX), were shown for further detailed analysis of the biological activity of drugs.
Photobacterium leiognathi Sh1, biotesting, biological activity, drugs, luminescent bacteria, Photobacterium leiognathi Sh1
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