Apomyoglobin is a convenient model for in vitro studies of folding/unfolding of globular proteins. Herein we describe the results of kinetic studies of folding/unfolding of mutant forms of apomyoglobin with substitutions of proline residues on its two loops (P37G and P120G) by glycine as well as loop extension in position 120 by three and six glycine residues (P120(3G) and P120(6G)). For all proteins, we measured kinetic denaturation and renaturation curves, calculated rate constants of folding/unfolding, plotted their dependences on the denaturant concentration (chevron plots) and computed free energies of all states of apomyoglobin. The obtained data on the kinetic properties of mutant forms of apomyoglobin allowed us to analyze the effect of flexibility and length of chosen loops on the energy profile of the protein. Specifically, it was demonstrated that the studied mutations destabilized the intermediate state of apomyoglobin as compared to the unfolded state.
apomyoglobin, protein folding, tryptophan fluorescence, stopped-flow experiments, chevron plot, energy profile
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