An analysis of the array of data on the structures and functions of molecules of natural peptides is carried out. The concept of an oligopeptide is considered not only from a chemical point of view, but also from the point of view of mathematical notions of small numbers. General principles of biogenesis of natural oligopeptides from specialized and non-specialized precursors are described. Therefrom, the concept of a complete system of given type molecules is formulated. It is shown which physical principles underlie the functional activity of oligopeptides. As an illustration, based on the information of the EROP-Moscow database on structural and functional characteristics of oligopeptides possessing neuronal, antimicrobial, hormonal and enzyme inhibitory activity, a number of mathematical, chemical, physical and biological features of the set of natural oligopeptides have been considered. There is the substantial difference of these substances from polypeptide molecules of proteins according to their physicochemical characteristics. These characteristics may be critical for understanding the molecular mechanisms of the action of oligopeptides that lead to the development of physiological effects.
EROP-Moscow, oligopeptide, protein, fragment, structure, function, regulation, activity, biogenesis, EROP-Moscow database
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