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Abstract (English):
The method of tritium planigraphy has applied to solving a wide range of problems of modern biophycis, structural chemistry, molecular and physico-chemical biology. It is based on a non-selective substitution of hydrogen in hydrocarbon fragments of molecules for its radioactive isotope-tritium. The data obtained by this method, in combination with our imitation algorithm of tritium bombardment, was successfully used to obtain information on the spatial organization of proteins and their complexes. Details of the structure of the potexviruses are currently unknown. The example of potato virus X shows a technique for determining the orientation of subunits in the virus relative to the axis of the helix and their placement under a known subunit structure, taking into account spatial limitations and experimental data of tritium planigraphy. This allows us to detail the quaternary structure of the virion and significantly reduce the choice of subunits possible orientations in the virion.

spatial structure of potato virus X, tritium planigraphy
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