The methods of retrospective estimation of the essential elements and aluminum metabolism in a human organism by quantitative evaluation of their content in the hair of mother and child has been developed with the use of multichannel atomic-emission spectrometry when spectra are excited by the electric arc or double laser pulses. The required time and material expenditures for sample preparation have been lowered, whereas the sensitivity limits have been improved, that contributes to fast quantitative estimates and analysis approaching the express methods. The possibility to have retrospective estimates of metabolism of the essential elements by analysis of the hair of children with marked behavioral disturbances and mental retardation and of their mothers has been shown. The method allows for operative estimation of variations in the essential elements content and for timely corrections of the treatment course. The obtained experimental data may be used as a basis for the development of early diagnostic methods detecting disturbances in the functional resources of a human organism and for the selection of adequate rehabilitation measures.
biological samples, hair, alternating current (a. c.) arc, multichannel atomic-emission spectrometry, retrospective analysis of metabolism, essential elements
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