Morphology of the samples of dried plasma drops from the patients with oncopathology of the brain has been studied. The structural features of the dried blood plasma drops of the patients with the diagnosed brain tumors of different grades have been revealed. The possibility to improve diagnosis by attributing tumors to various types has been demonstrated. Semiquantitative results for the spatial distribution of calcium over the surface and within the layers of the dried drops of biological fluids have been obtained using the methods of laser atomic-emission spectrometry. It is shown that laser atomic-emission spectrometry allows for quantitative estimation of the variations in protein centers and is a fast and highly sensitive instrument in diagnosis of various diseases. The obtained experimental data may form the basis for further development of the diagnostic methods aimed at early detection of disturbances in the functional resources of a human organism and for the adequate selection of the needed system of rehabilitation measures.
biological fluid, drop morphology, laser atomic-emission spectrometry, double laser pulses, spatial distribution, layer-by-layer analysis, calcium
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