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Abstract (English):
With the use of atomic-emission spectrometry, the blood plasma samples from the patients with brain aneurysms have been analyzed. The integrated estimate for metabolism of the essential elements has been given. The enhanced content of aluminum, iron, calcium, zinc and the lowered content of magnesium has been revealed for all the patients both before and after the operation. The revealed microelementoses can affect particular features of the clinical disease course, pointing to the advisability of using complexes for correction of the mineral metabolism in addition to the adopted therapy. The morphology of the dried blood plasma drops has been studied and the structural peculiarities of the drops have been exhibited. For the spatial calcium distribution over the surface and within the layers of the dried blood plasma drops the quantitative results have been obtained. Besides, it has been demonstrated that the use of laser atomic-emission spectrometry enables one to have quantitative estimates of variations in protein centers. This method has shown itself as an effective highly sensitive diagnostic instrument. The obtained experimental data may form the basis for further development of the methods for early detection of disturbances in the functional resources of a human organism enabling selection of timely and adequate rehabilitation measures.

atomic-emission spectral analysis, blood plasma, biological fluids, drop morphology, laser atomic-emission spectrometry, spatial distribution of calcium, layer-by-layer analysis
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