Using liposome model, a direct relationship between changes in the molecular structure of the nonspecific porins of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria that occur under the influence of temperature and the functional activity of these proteins has been established. OmpF porin from Y. ruckeri , bacteria pathogenic for fish and classical OmpF porin from E. coli as a comparison protein were used in the study. It was found that unlike porin from E. coli , OmpF porin from Y. ruckeri is more resistant to temperature. For both proteins, stable release of the fluorophore was observed up to a temperature not exceeding the critical temperature of the dissociation of trimers of the proteins into monomers, at a higher temperature a sharp decrease in the channel- forming activity of the porins was found. It is suggested that irreversible conformational changes in the porin monomers that occur as a result of thermal denaturation "do not allow" them to form a conducting trimeric channel even in a lipid environment.
porin, nanopores, liposomal model, functional activity
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