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Abstract (English):
The effects of a constant electric field on the functional features of erythrocytes, the permeability of their membranes for glucose, the dynamics of hemoglobin oxygenation, and the change in the activity of erythrocyte cytosolic enzymes were studied. Depending on the type of an animal, 5-minute and longer exposure caused 1.5-4-fold increase of lactate dehydrogenase KF and/or aspartate aminotransferase KF activity in blood plasma of cats, dogs and horses. Several physiological destructive changes in blood cells were recorded: aniso- and poikilocytosis, an increase in platelet area, aggregation of cells, karyolysis, fragmentogenesis, etc. Qualitative and quantitative changes in cellular characteristics and parameters were dose-dependent. The presence of specific features of the cellular response is shown.

electrostatic field, biological effects, blood cells, enzymes
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