A wastewater purification from heavy metal ions using biosorbents has a great scientific interest. The article is devoted to the evaluation of magnetic and sorption properties of yeast cells obtained by marking with Fe3O4 nanoparticles. Basing on the calculations of the values of the magnetic susceptibility of yeast cells a computer simulation of cells separation in the considering model separator was carried out under various fluid flow rates and inductions of the magnets. The results of simulation indicate the possibility of highly efficient separation of the modified cells. The biosorption properties of the cells were determined by the purification of model solutions from copper, nickel and iron. The biosorption capacity of intact and modified cells was determined by the analysis of kinetics of metal ions sorption from the model solutions. It has been shown that cells labeled with nanoparticles can more effectively accumulate copper and nickel ions compared to intact yeast. The obtained results can be used to implement in the technology of water purification with yeast sorbents.
yeast cells, biosorbent, heavy metal ions, magnetic nanoparticles, magnetic separation
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