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Abstract (English):
In this work the effect of the gas composition of the air on the dynamics of growth and intercellular transport of water in intact maize roots was studied using the spin-echo NMR method. The original methodical and technical approach, allowing to register the parameters of water transport and the growth rate in plants, directly under change of the concentration of air gases was used in the present work. It was shown that the processes of water transport and plant growth are more sensitive to decrease of oxygen concentration when it is replaced by nitrogen and carbon dioxide. Under conditions of oxygen deficiency both the growth rate and the intercellular transport of water in the roots was decreased. In this case the reaction of the water transport system of plant roots to elevated concentration of CO2 is more pronounced in comparison with the increase of the nitrogen concentration, which indicates the predominant regulatory role of carbon dioxide in the processes of gas exchange and water exchange in plants. An increase of the oxygen concentration in the atmosphere up to 60% did not lead to appreciable changes in the growth rate and intercellular transport of water in the roots.

nuclear magnetic resonance, intercellular transport of water, plant growth, concentration of atmospheric gases
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