In this paper, we propose an automatic sensor for measuring light and temperature on the Arduino Nano platform basis. The main element of the sensor was a CdS photoresistor GL12516, the maximum absorption of light energy which falls in the green range of the spectrum. The temperature was measured using the LM 35 sensor. Data with a specified time interval was recorded on a MicroSD memory card. The sensor was calibrated in the conditions of the hothouse module for industrial cultivation of microalgae, located on the basis of the radiobiological building of IMBI A. O. Kovalevsky RAS of Sevastopol. It is shown that the voltage and illumination are connected with each other non-linearly, the coefficients of the empirical function of the dependence of illumination on the voltage on the photoresistor were determined. The sensor has been tested daily changes of illumination on the surface of the pond with Dunaliella salina culture, as well as changes in temperature were given.
Dunaliella salina, Arduino Nano platform, GL12516 photoresistor, LM35 temperature sensor, modeling
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