Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The results of the light engineering modeling of the light flux distribution on the working surface of a photobioreactor for the most frequently used radiation sources in the cultivation of microalgae are presented. the results show how the illuminance at different points on the surface of the photobioreactor differs significantly, which changes the conditions of light-darkness. It is also shown that despite the external similarity of the emitted light from different radiation sources, their spectral compositions are not identical. This all has a significant effect on the biosynthesis in microalgae. Recommendations are given on the description of light conditions in studies of intensive microalgae cultures. It is noted that for the uniform light flux distribution on the photobioreactor working surface, it is necessary to use LED panels. It is not recommended to use point sources of radiation, for example, mercury arc lamps, as the radiation source.

light flow, LED, fluorescent lamp, mercury arc lamp
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