Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The aim of the work is to study the role of the prooxidants↔antioxidants system and its regulation in the molecular mechanisms of posttraumatic gonarthrosis (PTGA). We examined 95 patients diagnosed with PTGA who were divided into 3 groups according to the stage of the disease (I-III) according to the Kellgren / Lawrence scale. The indices of oxidative stress in plasma, blood cells and synovial fluid (SF) were studied. As a control, the blood of 20 practically healthy donors of the corresponding sex and age was examined. The development of the degenerative process in the joint tissues at PTGA is accompanied by a violation of free radical homeostasis in the synovial environment of the joint and in the blood. The change in the parameters of luminol-dependent CL is accompanied by an increase in the intensity of lipid peroxidation (LPO) in plasma, erythrocytes and SF of patients with PTGA, which is confirmed by an increase in the level of MDA. Simultaneously, the level of nitrites / nitrates (NOx) increases in blood plasma and SF, which indicates the development of nitrosative stress. The development of PTGA was accompanied by dysfunction of the components of the antioxidant system, a decrease in the total antioxidant potential of plasma and synovial fluid in the groups of patients. The activity of the components of the prooxidant system - myeloperoxidase and xanthine oxidase - in the blood and SF correlated with the severity of the pathological process in PTGA. The local and systemic oxidative stress which develops in the joint tissues and blood plays a crucial role in PTGA.

posttraumatic gonarthrosis, blood, synovial fluid, oxidative stress, prooxidants, antioxidants
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