Minsk, Belarus
The principal possibility of evaluating functional neutrophils activity by fluorescent method using celestine blue B and gallocyanine has been shown. It has been established that in cell suspensions the oxidation of gallocyanine is associated with the production of a superoxide anion radical, and celestine blue B oxidation is associated with the production of reactive halogen species. The possibility of selective detection of reactive oxygen and halogen species using the fluorescent method, when neutrophils are activated by a wide range of agonists of various nature, has been shown with the use of gallocyanine and celestine blue B dye. It has been concluded that these dyes can be used in the development of methods for identifying reactive oxygen and halogen species in cell suspensions, assessing the functional state of neutrophils, developing therapeutic methods of treatment with antioxidants in diseases associated with the development of oxidative/ halogenative stress.
neutrophils, oxidative stress, reactive oxygen species, reactive halogen species, gallocyanine, celestine blue B, fluorescence
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