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Abstract (English):
It was shown that the low-speed supernatant of Chlorella vulgaris homogenates cleaved casein, gelatin and fibrinogen at рН 7.4 and 9.0. Only gelatinolysis was observed at рН 3.0, and hemoglobin cleavage - only at рН 9.0. When inorganic orthophosphate was added to the reaction system the "phosphate effect" in the photosynthesizing alga cells was demonstrated. The inorganic orthophosphate effect was accompanied with zones of proteolytic activity depressing. It was not observed on other objects earlier. In the presence of ATP concentrations 10-8, 10-5-10-4 M caseinolytic activity of Ch. vulgaris cells was increased for 38 and 24-29%. At the same time, the fibrinogenolysis was oppressed at ATP concentrations 10-8, 10-5 and 10-2 M for 29, 23 and 21% respectively. The effect of MnCl2 in10-8-10-2 M on proteolytic activity of the studied examples was characterized by the complex concentration dependence and also depended on concrete protein substrate. In the presence of inorganic orthophosphate, the effect of manganese cations changed at рН 7.4 and 9.0, but not in acidic environment. The nature of changes of chlorella cell proteolytic activity at a chlorosis allows us to think that the functional activity state of the photosynthetic apparat is reflected by the proteinases degrading both casein and fibrinogen.

protein cleavage, chlorella, low-rate supernatant, pH effect, inorganic orthophosphate, ATP, MnCl2, chlorosis
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