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Abstract (English):
The study of the physiological processes of plants and their adaptation to stressors in a permanent high radiation background is significant due to the presence of radiation pollution associated with human activities. The aim of the work is to study the effect of chronic irradiation in a low dose on the electrogenesis and photosynthetic activity of pea seedlings. The object of research is 17-day-old seedlings of peas ( Pisum sativum L.). The source of ionizing radiation (IR) is a 90Sr-90Y system with an activity of 0.1 MBq. The total accumulated dose was about 12.7 mGy. In the work, measurements of the activity of photosynthesis, the parameters of electrical signals and the photosynthetic responses caused by them were performed. The stimulating effect of IR on the intensity of assimilation (A) and the maximum efficiency of photosynthesis (Fv/Fm) were found at constant values of the quantum yields of photosystems I and II (Y(I) and Y(II)). The amplitude of electrical signals, as well as the intensity of photosynthetic responses caused by them, showed a tendency to decrease.

ionizing radiation, low doses, regulation of photosynthesis, electrical signals
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