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Abstract (English):
The effect of ranked hypoxia on the oxygen tension in arterial blood, venous blood ( PaO2, PvO2 ) and skeletal muscles ( PmO2 ) of mullet ( Liza aurata , Risso, 1810) was studied under the conditions of acute experiment. At the same time, the level of anaerobic processes in the skeletal muscles of fish was estimated basing on the lactate content and pH values in blood and muscle tissue. The control group of mullets was maintained under the oxygen tension of 160-162 kPa, temperature of 14-16оС and photoperiod of 12 hours of light: 12 hours of darkness. Experimental groups of fish were kept for 15 days at 85, 55 and 35 kPa at a similar water temperature and photoperiod. Oxygen tension was reduced by bubbling water with nitrogen. The most pronounced changes were observed during the adaptation of fish to 55 and 35 kPa. The values of PvO2 and PmO2 (first day) decreased by 28-33 and 19-31 %, respectively (p<0.01). In parallel, there was an increase in the lactate content, to a greater extent in the red muscle tissue, and a decrease in the pH of venous blood flowing from the skeletal muscles, which reflected the intensification of the anaerobic processes. Maintaining of a mullet at 55 kPa for 10-15 days resulted in nearly complete compensation of the changes mentioned above. The concentration of lactate in the muscles, PvO2 and blood pH was restored to the level of control values. At 35 kPa the normalization of the oxygen regime in the muscle tissue was not registered and the mullets died on the 3rd day of the experiment.

Liza aurata, hypoxia, oxygen tension, skeletal muscles, blood, lactate, pH, Liza aurata
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