On platelets activation in vitro by weak agonists, for example, low concentrations of ADP, a phenomenon of so-called reversible aggregation is observed, when after several minutes the platelet aggregates start to dissolve. The mechanisms underlying this process are not yet clear. Here we utilised experimental and theoretical methods to investigate the mechanism of the reversible platelet aggregation. The experiments were conducted by means of Born’s method realized on Chrono-Log aggregometer. In all experiments platelet rich plasma or washed platelet suspension isolated from whole blood of healthy volunteers, were used. The phenomenon of reversible platelet aggregation was observed upon activation by various concentrations of ADP (2.5-25 μM) under various conditions. The reversible aggregation was observed in presence of calcium ions and in case of platelet concentration larger than 200 000/ μl. Here we performed mathematical modelling to investigate further this phenomenon. The model takes into account the processes of activation and deactivation, aggregation and disaggregation of platelets. The model parameters were chosen to simulate the experimental data. Mathematical model analysis revealed that the reversible aggregation of platelets can not be described under the assumption of a single-step activation of platelets.
Aggregometry, blood platelets, mathematical modelling
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