Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Oxidative stress is a violation of the balance between the active oxygen generation system and the antioxidant defense unit, and a quantitative description of both components is required when evaluating it. The purpose of the study was to determine the potential use of the kinetic chemiluminescence method to assess the level of oxidative stress in saliva. It is shown that with an increase in the amount of saliva introduced into the system, a proportional decrease in the luminescence in the ABAP + luminol system is observed. A distinctive feature of the development of salivary chemiluminescence curves in comparison with blood plasma is the site after the expenditure of all antioxidants. In the case of blood plasma, the new steady-state luminescence level exceeds the initial level, which can be explained by the prooxidant properties of albumin. In the case of saliva, a new level of luminescence can remain constant, exceed the original level, and also be significantly lower. It is shown that the curves for the development of saliva chemiluminescence can be used to estimate the total content of antioxidants, as well as for an indirect assessment of the level of oxidative stress. However, at this stage only qualitative results are obtained, in connection with which further research is required in the chosen direction.

saliva, biochemical composition, chemiluminescence, oxidative stress
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