Vladivostok, Vladivostok, Russian Federation
Vladivostok, Vladivostok, Russian Federation
Protein Skp Yersinia pseudotuberculosis serves as the periplasmic chaperone in bacteria and has the ability to bind human and rabbit IgG. This work is aimed at studying the effect of this chaperone on the aggregation of human IgG at various pH values of the medium. To solve this problem, the aggregation kinetics of rSkp, IgG, and IgG in the presence of a chaperone in acidic, near neutral, and basic solutions was studied using the dynamic light scattering method. It was shown that in the presence of rSkp, the rate of IgG self-association and aggregation decreases significantly. The obtained results demonstrate the pH-dependent character of the chaperone and immunoglobulin-binding activities of rSkp. The most stable low-molecular complexes (RH up to 10 nm) between chaperone and human IgG are formed at acidic pH values of the medium. In the case of alkalinization of the reaction medium, the chaperone activity of rSkp decreases, and the aggregation of IgG although slows, but to a lesser extent than at acidic pH. The information obtained may be of interest to developers of stable and high-quality biopharmaceuticals based on immunoglobulins.
chaperone Skp, Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, aggregation of proteins, protein-protein interactions, dynamic light scattering
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