With the growth of the territory of the cities of Crimea and the increase in urban lighting, over the past 14 years, the illumination of the night sky, according to the telescope AMT-8 of the Crimean astrophysical Observatory (CrAO), increased by 2.57 %, which can adversely affect both astronomical observations in the CrAO, and the environment and human health. The source of increasing the illumination of the night sky is imperfect urban lighting systems of large cities of Crimea, dissipating part of the energy up. The annual course of illumination is non-linear and is associated with the seasons of the year. The greatest increase in illumination by season for the studied time falls on the winter season - 22.2 %, in the summer season there is a decrease in illumination by 20.32 %. The regime of economical power consumption in winter and spring 2014 and 2015 showed a decrease in the influence of light pollution by 13.48 % for the winter seasons of 2013-2016. In the holiday summer season 2014-2016 for the three-year period there was an increase of illumination by 18.48 % in contrast to its decrease in 2011-2013 by 18.33 %.
-8, night sky illumination, light pollution, astronomical observations, CrAO, AMT-8
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