In this paper, the thermoelectric characteristics of carbon nanotubes are investigated. The differential thermo pods of single-layer carbon nanotubes of the "zig-zag" type, which are in the external longitudinal constant electric field, were studied. The dynamics of the electronic tube subsystem is described using the quasi-classical method using the Boltzmann kinetic equation. The formula for the differential thermal EMF coefficient is also derived and the nonlinear dependence on the external field strength is shown. To calculate the thermoelectric characteristics of carbon nanotubes, a method of decomposition of their periodic dispersion law into a Fourier series was used. With its help, transport characteristics are determined: electrical conductivity, Hall coefficient, thermal conductivity, and others. When calculating the coefficient of differential thermal EDC, a technique was used to study the dependence of the differential thermal EDC on the external constant electric field strength for carbon.
carbon nanotubes, thermopower, conductivity, nanostructures, sensors
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