This paper discusses the change in the antibacterial activity of of benzylpenicillin sodium salt after the exposure of a pulsed magnetic field (IMP) of high intensity. An increase in the antibacterial effect of benzylpenicillin irradiated by a pulsed magnetic field at certain values of intensity, frequency and number of pulses were found. The impact of a pulsed magnetic field was carried out both on powdered benzylpenicillin sodium salt, and on the antibiotic, which is in solution. In addition, the effect of the storage time of irradiated powdered benzylpenicillin on the change in the diameters of growth suppression zones was studied. The object of the study was the bacteria Escherichia coli. Evaluation of the antibacterial effect was assessed by an increase in the lysis zones of E. coli compared with the control (not irradiated) material. Studies have been conducted to study the anti-aggregation activity of pentoxifylline irradiated with IMP. An increase in antiaggregation activity was recorded. The hypothesis of an increase in the antibacterial and antiaggregational activity of drugs under the influence of IMP, associated with a change in the conformation of molecules, has been put forward. The researche has been conducted to study the safety of exposure of benzylpenicillin to sodium salt and pentoxifylline IMP. The effect of the pulsed electromagnetic field on the antioxidant activity of drugs was studied. The acute toxicity was studied when intraperitoneal administration of benzylpenicillin sodium salt and pentoxifylline to mice before and after treatment with a pulsed electromagnetic field with the calculation and comparison of LD50 indices.
benzylpenicillin sodium salt, pentoxifylline, antibacterial activity, pulsed magnetic field, agar diffusion method
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