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Abstract (English):
Currently, the silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are highly recurrent in medicine due to its magnetic and optical properties, becoming important antimicrobial, antiviral and anticarcinogenic agents; nevertheless, the synthesis of said nanoparticles is based on chemical methods, applying reducing and stabilizing agents that are highly polluting to environment and harmful to health. However, plant extracts can be used as a "green" method alternative to chemical conventional synthesis. In the present work, the aqueous extract of the leaves of an Oak native to Mexico ( Quercus rugosa; Fagaceae) was used as a reducing and stabilizing agent in AgNPs synthesis using silver nitrate as a precursor. Different tests were performed by varying the volume of the aqueous extract and the concentration of silver nitrate. Through UV-vis spectroscopy, the presence of biomolecules, such as polyphenols and flavonoids, was identified. The AgNPs were characterized by the identification of their plasmonic response.

mexican oak, quercus rugosa, fagaceae, silver nanoparticles
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