In living organisms are produced reactive oxygen species (ROS) which are oxidizing elements of cells. They are commonly produced because of cellular metabolism, as well as the consequence of toxic agents, such as tobacco smoke, ionizing radiation and carcinogens, to name a few. The negative effect of ROS on the biochemical pathways of cells is called oxidative stress. The methodology used in this study could guide the study of different genetic regulatory networks, in order to identify possible therapeutic targets. The co-expressed genetic complex network of SOD1 in Homo sapiens was obtained from the database Functional protein association networks, which is made up of the following genes: ATP5H, ATP5O, PSMB3, PSMB1, PSMA5, PSMB4, PSMB6, ATP5D, SOD1, MDH1 and HSD17B10. For each gene in the network the following functional properties were obtained: central score (hub), authority score, and grade, clustering coefficient and betweenness centrality. The properties were calculated using two types of network, directed and non-directed. When carrying out the study of the genetic network of SOD1 using the Theory of complex networks, it was shown that possibly its functional properties of the SOD1 gene are not completely related to its structural chemical properties, that is, the function of the SOD1 gene within the Genetic network should be studied from a holistic approach and not from a reductionist perspective.
genetic complex network, statistical analysis
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