Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
This report presents the results of theoretical studies on the mathematical description of photosynthetic electron transport, proton transport and ATP synthesis in the framework of our comprehensive mathematical model of light induced processes of oxygenic photosynthesis. The model takes into account the key stages of electron and proton transport in chloroplasts associated with ATP synthesis, as well as the processes of regulation of light stages of photosynthesis in chloroplasts of higher plants and in cyanobacteria cells. One of the features of our model is that it considers the functioning of both photosynthetic and respiratory chain of electronic transport. The analysis of numerical experiments allowed us to identify the factors responsible for the appearance of complex multiphase kinetics of electronic transport, depending on the structural features of the photosynthetic apparatus and the conditions of the photosynthetic apparatus (lateral heterogeneity of thylakoid membranes, the presence of alternative electron transport paths, variation of the gas composition of the medium and light intensity).
photosynthesis, electron and proton transport, mathematical modeling
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