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Abstract (English):
Neutral (NL) and anionic liposomes (AL) coated with chitosan were prepared. Their size distribution and z-potential were determined. NL were particles with a narrow molecular weight distribution and an average diameter of 435.6 nm. AL were more heterogeneous with an average diameter of 525.8 nm. Chitosan coating led to liposome recharging. In the case of NL, 100 µg / ml of chitosan was sufficient to obtain positively charged particles. AL coated with chitosan showed a change in charge depending on the concentration of the added polysaccharide. Incubation of liposomes with a chitosan solution at a concentration of 100 μg/ml neutralized their charge only partially. Positively charged liposomes were obtained by incubation with chitosan solution at a concentration of 400 μg/ml. It has been shown that liposomes coated with chitosan exhibit mucoadhesive properties, attaching to the mucosal surface of the intestinal tissue, and this process depends on time. After 5 minutes of incubation, about 10% NL and AL were attached to the mucosal surface. Increasing the incubation time to 60 minutes raised the amount of adhered liposomes. At the same time, the activity of NL was 2 times higher than that of AL.

liposomes, chitosan, z-potential, mucoadhesive properties
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