Baku, Azerbaijan
Baku, Azerbaijan
Baku, Azerbaijan
Baku, Azerbaijan
From the rind of the fruits of the elderberry black and ivy ordinary melanins were isolated. To identify the isolated piqments, their EPR and IR-spectra were recorded. The bindins of iron ions with these melanins was investigated by the gamma rezonance spectroscopy method (GRS). It has been established that melanins of plant origin effectively chelate iron ions both in its two and trivalent state. When interacting with Fe2+ ions, melanins partially oxidize them to Fe3+, which are inactive in a prooxidant ratio, ant bind them as well as Fe2+. The parameters of the GR-spectra of the studied samples are characteristic of high-spin (HS) complexes of Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions with an octahedral ligand environment. It is assumed that the ability of melanins of plant origin to effectively bind prooxidant Fe2+ can be one of the possible mechanisms of their antioxidant and radioprotector properties.
melanin, complexation with iron ion, the gamma resonance-spectroscopy
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