Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
It was studied by us earlier the effect of static vertical magnetic field on the gravitropic reaction of cress roots while the horizontal magnetic field was absent. It was revealed here that the dependence of gravitropic reaction on the magnitude of magnetic induction of static magnetic field has the threshold. The value of the threshold magnetic induction was determined. This work is devoted to the investigation of the action of horizontal magnetic field on the gravitropic reaction of cress roots while the vertical magnetic field component is shielded. It was revealed that the gravitropic reaction of cress roots depended essentially on the relative location of roots and static magnetic field. Although in all cases the gravitropic reaction had the threshold character, the magnitude of the threshold essentially differed (by two orders) for different directions of roots relatively the static magnetic field. Two explanations of the effects observed were proposed. The first one was based on the quantitative difference between the interactions of static magnetic field with ions and ions magnetic moments. It was shown that both effects were possible. The difference was caused by ions downstream. It was shown that only during interaction of static magnetic field with ions the anisotropy of the threshold value was possible. The only objection for the model was the fact that fee path of ions was too little. The other possible explanation was based on the phase transition in water in the vicinity of the membrane and formation of domains. . In that case in the first model we accounted that the ion might rotate in static magnetic field in vacuum zone next to water domain. And the free path of ion increased essentially. This fact neutralized all objections.

static magnetic field, roots’ gravitropic reaction, the action threshold, relative orientation of roots and magnetic field, phase transitions in water, domains
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