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Abstract (English):
The biological and anti-radical activity of natural polyphenol - resveratrol (RV) was investigated. Chemiluminescent method showed high rates of antiradical activity of this drug. At the same time, on the model system of “aging” of mitochondria (incubation of mitochondria in the hypotonic incubation medium), it was shown that the drug in the concentration range of 10-5-10-14 M prevented the activation of LPO in the mitochondrial membranes of the rat liver and mitochondria of pea seedlings, which probably testified to the presence of anti-stress properties in RV. The protective properties of the drug were investigated using a model of acute hypobaric hypoxia (AHH) for rats and a model of water deficiency for pea seedlings. AHH resulted in a 1.5-3-fold increase in the fluorescence intensity of LPO products in mitochondrial membranes. The activation of lipid peroxidation was accompanied by changes in the fatty acid (FA) composition of the total lipid fraction of mitochondrial membranes. The unsaturation coefficient of C18 FA decreased by 15%, and the content of FA with a very long chain (VLCFAs): 22: 4ω6 and 22: 5ω3 decreased by almost 28%.Introduction of 2.2×10-5M resveratrol to animals within 5 days prevented changes in fatty acid composition of mitochondria and activation of LPO, which influenced physiological parameters. Resveratrol 2.0-2.5 times increased life expectancy and 10-15% increased the survival of mice in various types of hypoxia. In addition, the drug prevented inhibition of growth of pea seedlings in conditions of water scarcity. It is suggested that the adaptogenic properties of the drug are due to its antioxidant and antiradical activity.

resveratrol, POL, mitochondria, fatty acid composition of membranes, acute hypobaric hypoxia, water deficiency
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