Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Analysis of the fluorescence parameters of thioflavin T, which is specific for the amyloid fibrils detection, and the parameters of the intrinsic fluorescence of blood proteins allowed to establish that the formation of the complex "amyloid structures - serum proteins" depends on the incubation temperature because of the bonds between proteins and their ligands become weaker under elevated temperatures. It was demonstrated that alteration of the incubation medium pH, both to the acidic and alkaline region, also affects on the formation of the complexes of serum albumin with amyloid structures, apparently as a result of the albumins binding ability changing during their oxidation. It was found that essential (Zn, Cu) trace elements interacting with the complex "amyloid structures - serum proteins" lead to modification of parameters as an intrinsic fluorescence as a fluorescent probe, that confirms the assumption about existence of the metal-binding sites in amyloid fibrils for metal ions.

amyloid structures, blood proteins, spectral characteristics, physical and chemical factors
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