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Abstract (English):
The inner (acoustobrightness) temperature in the forearm of volontiers was measured with the passive acoustical thermometry when warming ointments were smeared on the forearm skin. In the first 5-10 minutes, the acoustobrightness temperature was decreased in 3-6 K. After this, the acoustobrightness temperature returned to the level that was before applying the ointment. After that, the acoustobrightness temperature increased when using some ointments, when using other ones, it remained the same and even decreased. We propose that the decrease in the depth temperature was connected that the gel used in the measurements had a room temperature. On the one hand, the application of a “cold” gel to the skin should reduce the superficial blood flow. However, the use of warming ointments blocked temporarily this process. As a result, “cold” blood from the near-surface capillaries flowed into the internal tissues of the forearm, leading to tissue cooling. The effect was taken into account with the heat conduction equation with the bloodstream. We changed the parameter used in the equation, namely the temperature of the inflowing blood. The time dependence of the acoustobrightness temperature calculated using the heat conduction equation is consistented with experimental data.

thermal acoustic radiation, equation of thermal conductivity with blood flow, acousto-liquid temperature
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